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[23.01.2024] Nero_09 » SLAVE & MASTER [Picman]
The placement of the text and color scheme were well designed for easy viewing.
It was also good that the AMV was created using only the op and ed videos of the chansorman, and that the style was unified!
I especially love the editing of 0:43~0:45.
[23.01.2024] Nero_09 » Regret [Rika Sudzuki]
The use of lowered color saturation to create a serious atmosphere was very well done, and matched the music selection.
Although "Hyouka" was mainly used in the video, images of The Garden of Sinners and Oshi no Ko were also incorporated without any sense of incongruity, creating a sense of unity in the work.
[23.01.2024] Nero_09 » Collapse [Picman]
Very nice psychedelic AMV!!
I really like the atmosphere and editing of the AMV and thought the lyrics of the song matched the animation chosen. I like the editing style with unique ideas.
[23.01.2024] Nero_09 » Dancing [kain4ig]
I think it is a good character profile AMV, carefully expressing the emotions of the characters. However, I would like to know the intention of applying noise to most of the scenes in the AMV.
My interpretation is that it is to match the title of the song "Hurricane", but is there a better interpretation?
[23.01.2024] Nero_09 » R.U.M.B.L.E [TritioAFB]
It was a very fun AMV to watch!!
The transitions matched the music, and I really liked the sense of speed.
I also liked the fact that the material was mainly female characters, which correlated well with the songs used.
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » Origins [Strannik610]
Не обычно выглядит, но концовка какая-то резкая
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » How to hold Bocchi in your hand? [Scallibur32]
Сюжет не понятен, в целом выглядит забавно)
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion) [FobosAMV]
Не плохой экшен
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » Eternal World [ShinOri]
Качественно сделано, хороший подбор кадров
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » Ведьмак: Дикая работа [Waku Waku]
Неплохой трейлер
[23.01.2024] Shaoran » Do You Like Cloudy Skies? [Ian Yu]
Тут жанр больше на Dance похож. Эффекты вроде не плохие, но с синхронизацией проблемы
[23.01.2024] MrGafudo » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
Incredible <3 :inlove:
[22.01.2024] Alexei » Adventurers [FT]
Сразу узнал автора по блюру в начале. Так больше никто не делает :biggrin: В начале слишком быстрый монтаж, хотя музыка спокойная. Но в целом клип качественный, музыка подходящая. Смотреть было в удовольствие. Желаю победы!
[22.01.2024] Alexei » Eternal World [ShinOri]
Очень приятные эмоции после просмотра клипа. Сделано с душой :smile:
[22.01.2024] SkyGraphsx » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
buen trabajo negev :)
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 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2004 23.11.2004  
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